Episode 65: Faith In The Midst Of Fear


Helping Christians make sense of their roots. Helping Jews make sense of Jesus.

On this episode of The Jewish Road Podcast:

Are you faced with a challenge that feels too big to handle? Do fear, anxiety, or worry keep you awake at night? In this episode of The Jewish Road Podcast, titled "Faith In The Midst Of Fear," we turn to one of the most well-known stories in the Bible: David vs. Goliath. But this episode isn’t just about a young boy and a giant man; it's about something deeper.

What gave young David the courage to face Goliath? What did he know about the character of God that allowed him to have faith in the face of fear? It's a question we all should be asking ourselves when we find ourselves in seasons of doubt and uncertainty.

This episode isn't about heroes and villains; it's about understanding Who our God is and what He promises to do for us. It's about recognizing that, at its core, every story in the Bible is a story about God - and so is your story.

If you're in a place where obstacles seem insurmountable and fear feels overpowering, this episode is here to remind you: both faith and fear demand fulfillment. The choice of which to believe in lies with you.

Join us for an inspiring conversation, filled with hope and encouragement. This is a message for anyone in a season of fear, offering a perspective shift that can make all the difference. It's time to remember what David knew and face our giants with unwavering faith.

So tune in, especially if you need a timely reminder of God's character and promises. Let's explore together how faith can overcome fear, no matter the size of the challenges we face. Your story is a story about God, and it's time to believe in that.

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Outro music by Joshua Royal.
Interlude + Engineering by Noah Davis.

Matt Davis

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